Monday, August 15, 2011

[Super Rare Exclusive Interview] HeadOnArt - Kyle Maclennan

So moving city is is a stressful thing! I start in 2 weeks, and haven't got a flat yet.... so forgive me the lack of posts, but enough bout me. Here's Kyle who is HeadOn Art, an innovative art company based in Inverness. I first saw his work at "Mark II" at Cake! where a impressive showcase occupied the upstairs of Cake, I managed to get a few snaps of them (although photography is not my strong point....). Anyway, we like to think of Kyle as a friend of "Justice Never Sleeps" so here's a short little interview I got with him!

Q: When did You decide that you wanted to do Art professionally and why?

A: I have always into the painting but just recently felt it was time to do it properly (i'm

getting on a bit and can't fuck about forever!)

Q: Who has been your biggest influence in the art world any why?

A: Andy Warhol, why: The Factory Dream

Q: How would you describe your art?

A: Unpretentious, i create paintings with subject matter people i know can relate to and if I

wouldn't put it on my own wall i wouldn't have it on anyone elses (quality control, pride in

your work, OCD?)

Q: Where do you see your art going?

A: Hopefully higher and higher like Ghostbusters 2, the sky's the limit but really I

just create paintings people want (the customers always right) whilst also maintaining

artistic integrity(sound a bit pretentious there eh, (laughs) but you've got to do you're own

projects as well!)

Q: Would you think of branching out into other media's like T-shirt design etc?

A: of course, done it before quite successfully and always open to new suggestions,

feedback,teamwork, ie bouncing ideas of one an other!

Final Note

actually...your Justice Never Sleeps statement

sums up my whole lifestyle and way of working!

Head over to his Facebook to check out more!

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